Summer vacation is a week old, and already the girls are complaining of boredom. Their demands:
- They will play outside, but only if the neighbor girls play with them.
- Or invite other friends over for a playdate
- They must have snacks hourly.
- They want to play on the computer (Wow Wow Wubbzy has a bolt-collecting game that they are into lately).
- They need new toys, because they don't like any of their old ones anymore.
- Swing
- Ride bikes
- Do a puzzle
- Color
- Practice piano
- Play a game
- Practice soccer
Of course they are not at all interested in my suggestions. Therefore I am looking into VBS schedules at all the local churches. 3 hours of fun each day? Yessireebob! Does this make me a bad parent? Or just realistic?

We also have Bucky this morning, who is being quite entertaining. He's camped out by the front door, all set to pounce on the crow in the yard. You can just see the crow to the left of the brick wall, above the glider. He just went to go take a nap, but I'm sure he'll be back to check out the proceedings shortly.
I must run now. The girls are demanding cookies, which means I really should make their lunch (no, not cookies). And B really wants to play on the computer. THIS computer, not the other one, where Wubbzy is too slow. She is certainly a child of the 21st century. Good thing she has a cable modem instead of dial-up.