Thursday, November 6, 2008


Remember how much fun we had last year with Elf Yourself? Well hold onto your elf hat. It's baa-aack!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Pics

Halloween Parade

J ready to trick or treat

B the Princess ... with lots of missing teeth

Superman helping with the yardwork

LEAF FIGHT! (Seriously. They screamed it over and over and over.)

Ladybug had a blast. She LOVED throwing the leaves at me while I was taking pictures.


Superman and Ladybug are over visiting for the afternoon. A HUGE thank you to Lisa, for not feeling well, and letting me borrow her kids for a while. And yes, you are correct; that makes four kids. And they get along SO MUCH better than when it's just my two. When all four of them are together, there's no pushing, poking, shoving, screaming, and so on. It's nice. Right now J is getting water for everyone. I think it's her third trip. And earlier, we were out in the backyard and B told me that I should go inside and she would watch the kids. We compromised. I went and picked up leaves on the side of the house so it just seemed like they were alone. They're having a little snack break, allowing me time to blog my little heart out. I wonder what they'll want to do next?