Thursday, January 7, 2010


The girls are finally off to school without a two-hour delay. Yippee! School was cancelled Monday, with delays both Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully we'll all be able to get back into a routine. I am not convinced that they will be in school all day, however. It's snowing/freezing rain right now, and there's nothing on the radar within a hundred miles of us. (?) There's a huge patch of snow moving through Ohio right now. That should make getting the kids home safely a challenge. It's so frustrating for me; in Fort there would not have even been a question of delay or closing. An inch of snow? Big deal. There ought to be a law that all PennDot employees have to train in WI or MN for a winter. That'll teach 'em.

(I do have to be grateful that I'm not in the Wheeling area. They haven't been back to school AT ALL. Apparently all the back-country windy cow-path roads are nasty, nasty, nasty and haven't been treated or plowed. Yikes.)

Time to go make a mocha cappucino and watch the snow fall for a bit. I ♥ winter.