Julianna left me this list this morning. I had to make her add #7, which is what I REALLY need to do today. She makes me laugh.
J was so excited, she had to make some phone calls!
Bethany has now decided that she doesn't need to learn to tie, since J will do it for her. Hmmm...
Neither did Bucky.
B drew this yesterday. She's amazing. Not afraid to try to draw anything. She always draws SOMETHING. A bee, a tape dispenser, a doughnut on a plate, herself singing onstage. She always has a plan.
This one is by J. She's amazing. Not afraid to draw anything. She almost always draws hearts, flowers, and rainbows. If she has to, she'll draw a specific object, but she always goes back to her own zone.
I love their differences. Both unique, and both wonderful girls.