My last post was in 2015. Eight years ago. Does that mean that nothing of interest has happened since then? Hardly! Maybe too much was going on. Anyhoo...I've been thinking that I needed to start writing things down again for a while now, but I'm just not generally motivated to do too much.
Big updates since 2015:
We spent 5 years in Michigan while the girls played hockey at HoneyBaked.
The girls graduated from 21st Century Cyber Charter School.
Bethany is a sophomore at Aurora University.
Julianna is a freshman (First Year. SMH.) at Sacred Heart University.
Curt and I sold the Canonsburg KoSports to Pure Hockey and are 'retired'. We still own the Delmont KoSports.
What to talk about today??? Hmmmmm.....How about my lack of motivation? Good start.
I have some store work to do (always). Skip it.
We are going to Ireland at the end of May, coat-tailing on Julianna's intersession class at SHU Dingle. Our first non-hockey vacation since, now let me think for a minute... EVER! Julianna has been a tremendous help. She booked the tickets for all 4 of us. I have the lodging booked (although I keep changing it and having to amend the bookings). Bethany wants to go the Cliffs of Moher, and Julianna wants to go to Kilkenny Castle. Curt wants to go on a bike tour. The whole time. I try to explain that it won't be possible, due to our already having flights booked, etc. I think he would enjoy the Guinness storehouse experience. I also have a GGGGrandmother who is Irish - Sarah Hourigan. I've been trying to find out where exactly she was from, because I think it would be way cool to visit where she lived. So far, I've found a different Sarah Hourigan from Limerick (her birth and death dates are the same years as my Sarah, but she died in Limerick, not Clark County, WI). So I have some genealogy digging to work on. I'm also trying to put together possible places to visit, based on where we're staying. But I get overwhelmed and have to walk away.
Curt keeps telling me that I need to do SOMETHING to make money. Like keep the Delmont KoSports. But I REALLY don't want to do team sales. I hate it. Being at their beck and call. Deadlines. Nasty customers. Ick. I've been toying with the idea of selling the Hockey Mom sweatshirts and Born to Play onesies on Etsy. I set up a store the other night, but the pictures of the items are TERRIBLE. I ordered some lights off Amazon to hopefully help. So that project needs to wait a couple days until those come in. And I guess I have to get the rest of the apparel back from the store so I can take pics and post it.
Which leaves crafting. To knit? Cross stitch? (Actually, that project is finally finished. YAY!) Crochet? There's a cat bed in progress, but the cats keep sleeping in it - as is - and I have a hard time kicking them out of it so I can finish it. Sew? Embroider? Cut some vinyl? Scrapbook? I am not terribly motivated to do any of it.
Or yard work? Our yard has been under construction for several years now. There is no lawn on the left side of the driveway. Last year we had the contractor rip out all the forsythia bushes that were on the hillside. The plan is to put down ground fabric and put some boulders on it to create something that'll hold the dirt back and look pretty. There are lots of sticks and branches that need to picked up. The sun is shining. Maybe that would be a good project for today? And picking up the rest of the leaves that have gathered along the side of the house?
Or play the guitar/banjo/piano/bass/violin? Probably should do any and/or all of the above. All those instruments taking up space and I just don't feel like playing any of them.
It's 12:00. I think I'll start by getting dressed.
Until next time,
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