Tuesday, June 24, 2008
So, my last resort: Pick up your stuff before Friday or I'm taking it to church for their yard sale on Saturday. (And folks, there is a TON of stuff at Covenant already. It should be a fun time for all.)
Happy Trails.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Procrastination 101
For example, let's say that you have a certain team's jerseys that need to be delivered tomorrow. And a garage sale in 3 days. What would YOU be doing, you well-prepared lot? Working on the jerseys, you say? Pricing and organizing the garage sale merchandise? No, my foolish friends, no. First of all, you must blog about the impending events. Second, start a new knitting project. (Preemie baby hats. Thanks, Elsie!) Start a new book (Joey Green's Magic Brands: Brand New Uses for Brand Name Products. I know it's tempting fate, but I really can't wait to try using Spray n Wash to get gum out of the girls' hair.) A tiny tangent here....while I was double-checking the title, this caught my eye. It's on Amazon.com's homepage: Toilet Tattoos. I kid you not. For only $9.95 you can put this on your toilet seat lid. Change the decor of your commode weekly. OMG.
Anyhoo.....See what I mean about this Procrastination thing? It's a goldmine. Also, don't forget to check The Weather Channel to find out what the heck happened to our severe storms that were supposed to hit this afternoon. It sprinkled about 14 drops, and that's it. Big whoop. And read Lisa's blog and find out how she's faring on this hot, hot day. I can easily think of at least 47 things I would rather do than heatpress jerseys. And the garage sale......well, that's still 3 days away. I really don't have to worry about that until Thursday night. And if you're one of those people who pores over the classifieds on Thursday and then goes to scope out the Friday garage sales on Thursday...I'm warning you....don't come here. People who do that really tick me off. I won't sell you anything and I may cause you bodily harm. So there. You've been warned. As for everybody else....see you Friday at 9 am sharp.
Signing off!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Rainy Day in P A

A New Day, A New Attitude
When we got home, there was a momma and baby deer in our yard. They hung around for a couple hours, and the baby came up by the neighbor's swingset by herself and then found a cozy spot by the tree to nap. She was there by herself for several hours. Momma must have come back after dark. This fawn was TINY. She was all legs; her body was no bigger than Bucky's. J and I got within 2 feet of her when she was resting. She just watched us. I haven't seen them yet today. There have been a couple adult deer here, so there's hope!

Yesterday I presented my girls with a weekly chore schedule. This morning, B remembered right away that she wasn't allowed tv or computer until her jobs were done. She was to tidy the pink bathroom today. It is so clean now! Granted, she used an entire container of wipes to do it, but it sure looks great! She even climbed up on the countertop to wipe the mirror. She loved it! Hopefully the excitement will continue, at least through the week, so the whole house will get cleaned. J was excited to hear about the reward: $2.00 at the end of the week if all her chores were done, helpfully. Her eyes got HUGE. "Dollar bills?" she wanted to know. "WOW!" She's hooked. Hopefully this will also teach them about saving money as well. They're famous for getting a dollar and wanting to go immediately to the dollar store. And the stuff they choose! Junk! Barbie dolls whose legs fall out, purses that won't snap closed. Yikes.
And finally, best wishes to the Pens. And to all you Red Wing fans in WI.....raspberries to you. We'll be watching....and don't be surprised if your phones ring at 1:00 in the morning again!