B gave us quite a scare yesterday. She was in the shower getting cleaned up for Daddy's birthday party when she slipped and clunked her head on the floor of the tub. She complained that she couldn't see, and she was really out of it. I'd ask her to look at something, and it was like I was speaking Chinese...she just didn't get it. Then she said she just wanted to sleep, and it was getting harder and harder to keep her awake. We took J over to Gay's house, and took B to the ER. Curt took her in, and was trying to get her seen quickly, to no avail. B took charge and started vomiting. She got right in.
She was taken for a CT scan, and everything was normal. Since she was continuing to vomit and be confused, she was admitted overnight for observation. The nurses came in every hour to check her vitals and lucidity, which meant they had to wake her up first. Now this is no small feat on a good day. B is very much like me....a reluctant morning person. It took painful stimulation to get her to wake up, and even then she didn't want to answer questions. "That's enough questions. I just want to sleep." When she was sleeping, it wasn't soundly, and she was mumbling something about how she couldn't sleep with a piano on her head.
After the 1:00 am nurse check, B was AWAKE. And lucid. It was like a fever had broken; the worst was over, and our B was back. Thank God. We were awake until almost 3:00, and then we finally slept. The 7:00 shift woke us up and B's been exploring the buttons on her bed, and having a good ole time. She had a scrambled egg and toast for breakfast, washed up, changed her gown, brushed her teeth, and is now saying she's bored.