Friday, July 18, 2008

Now I Can Die Happy

Last Sunday, there was a very nice article in the Observer about the Jacktown Fair. Sounded great. I'm thinking.....smaller....not real crowded....the kids are free to'll be a blast. So on Wednesday, Lisa and I packed up the kiddos and went. We started making fun of the fair almost immediately. Here's why:
  1. The parking area was at the bottom of a really steep hill. The entrance was at the top of this very steep hill. Unfortunately, this was not incredibly obvious. We started walking on the main path, only to be turned around AT THE END OF THE PATH because the entrance was up on top. Like the lady in the official neon orange vest sitting at the beginning of this path couldn't have told us when we first walked past.
  2. We paid at the admissions booth, where the nice lady handed us our tickets. Not 18" away from her stood another guy who TOOK THE TICKETS. He wasn't even through the gate. He was standing RIGHT NEXT TO THE WINDOW. She could have handed him the tickets herself, but no. It took two. Must have been municipal employees.
  3. We were in Greene County, where the people are just downright scary. (For those of you in WI, I can't even think of a good comparison for you. Maybe like how you've always imagined West Virginia to be? This is really close to that.) Makes WashPA seem like a teeming metropolis.
  4. The kids couldn't ride the same ride twice in a row even though there was NO ONE ELSE waiting for a turn. And they were the only four on the ride in the first place. It could've held about 30 kids.
  5. The rides were homemade. Seriously. Someone took those plastic kiddie chairs from school, detached the legs, and used rusty chain and duct tape to make a ride. The guy had to give the thing a push to get it going. And the fence around it was held together with string. And the fence wasn't far enough away from the ride, because the girls kept banging their feet against it as they twirled around.
  6. The bathroom was the best thing this fair had going for it. It was beautiful. Immaculate, even. (And Lisa didn't even have to steam clean it.)
  7. We were too scared to eat at the fair, so we went back to civilization (Waynesburg) for supper.

And, according to the powers that be who run the Jacktown Fair, NOW I can die happy. Amen.

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