For all you non-farm types out there....the corn should be knee high by today. And ours is....if we use B's knee. I've thinned it out once already, and should probably do it again, but it would be just my luck to pull out all the female plants and then we'd get no corn.

All our veggies are growing like crazy....carrots, cukes, zucchini, peas, and beans.
It's been raining and raining and raining and raining here. We'd like it to stop for a couple days....so we can go swimming or play in the sprinkler. Speaking of sprinklers: yesterday B and I made a

made dash for the truck at Sam's Club in the middle of a downpour. We went left, but our truck was right, and B lost a flip-flop and it went floating down a channel in the parking lot and we had to retrieve it. We got soaked. J stayed dry with the cart. Good thinking.
And I can't forget to mention the flamingos. We have missed the Ellises like CRAZY this week, so as a big welcome home, the girls and I flamingoed their house. That'll teach 'em. NEVER leave home again.
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